
Organisations that have received funding from us in the past few years include:


Central Hawke’s Bay Parenting Support Services

Central Hawke’s Bay Parenting Support Services (CHBPSS) is a social-services led, not-for-profit organisation focusing on the health and wellbeing of Central Hawke’s Bay families. Through ...
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Presbyterian Support East Coast

Family Works is a specialised team with a strong family harm skillset. The group of social workers, counsellors, and Social Workers in Schools provide quality ...
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Response to Cyclone Gabrielle

Soon after Cyclone Gabrielle hit Hawke’s Bay in February 2023, the trustees met to see if there was an appropriate response we could make. After ...
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Donation to the Central Hawkes Bay Foodbank

Our Foodbank has experienced a significant increase in demand over the past 18 months this is due to many contributing factors such as Job uncertainty, ...
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Life Education Trust Hawkes Bay

A thank you received from Life Education Trust Hawkes Bay… “Life Education Trust Hawkes Bay are very grateful for the donation from Hawke’s Bay Childrens ...
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School youth leadership in action

Unique Covid Response

At our meeting in May 2020 we discussed ways to support children and young people in the Hawkes Bay while in the midst of the ...
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